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  • Writer's pictureBelinda Martín

How can you use Instagram to get commissions and close sales

Online art sales rocketed during the pandemic, from 4.8% in 2019 to 64% in 2020. Further strong sales growth of $13.5 billion for 2021 were reported by online art sales platforms. A trend that will continue well into the coming years.

Among online platforms, Instagram has placed itself as the great disrupter by far, with 87% of surveyed art buyers by Statista using it to discover new artists in 2020 alone. So, how can you turn your Instagram feed into a stream of revenue? Short answer:

More engaged followers = more in demand your art will be

To help you achieve this, I’ve come up with 11 tips on how to make the most out of Instagram and use it like pro:

  1. Post consistently (ideal would be once per day / min. once-twice per week) and only high-res images or videos of your work.

  2. Make sure to post not only about your past and upcoming projects and available artworks but also about the behind the scenes at your studio and everything in between.

  3. Prioritise video formats as IG algorithm pushes reels above all.

  4. Engage with your audience through IG stories. Ask them questions, run polls, etc.

  5. When you post a piece, make sure to state that your artwork is for sale, as most people are either afraid to ask or don’t realise that your work is available to buy so make it explicit.

  6. Control how you present yourself to the world, not only in terms of what gets posted on your feed but also what information you’ve got in your profile and bio. To maximise your visibility, put in your IG name that you’re an artist or the word art, this will make the labour of gallerists, curators and clients looking for artists easier.

  7. Explain in your bio very shortly what kind of art you do or what materials you normally work with, so that again if a curator/collector/brand is looking for a specific kind of artist/artworks they can find you.

  8. Add also in your bio your current shows/projects you may have and mention the gallery that hosts them.

  9. Include links to your website or to press articles in your bio using tools like Tap Bio or Taplink.

  10. Create highlights of your particular projects / exhibitions / artworks classified by materials so that potential clients can quickly access your previous works.

  11. Connect with relevant individuals in the industry too, including gallerists, curators, collectors and other fellow artists. Invite them to your shows or open studios or ask them for their address so you can send them a catalogue.

Hope you have enjoyed this post and let me know in the comments below what other tips have you found useful in your journey!


٢ تعليقان

١٧ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٢

Very useful, thank you!

Belinda Martín
Belinda Martín
١٨ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٢
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Thank you!

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