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  • Writer's pictureBelinda Martín

7 tips to reach your right audience as as an artist

Are you tired of spending hours on social media trying to figure out how to attract the right people to your profile? If you want to stop this vicious circle and start reaching the right people, the key is to step back and research who your ideal client is. This is going to be essential for creating effective marketing strategies, understanding your target audience, building relationships, improving the customer experience, and ultimately, growing your art business. By taking the time to research your ideal client, you can tailor your efforts to meet their needs, increasing the chances of success and profitability

Finding your ideal client on social media as an artist can be challenging, but here are some strategies you can use to help identify and attract your target audience: 1. Define your niche First I want you to identify and reflect on the type of art you create, the style you specialise in and the audience you want to target. This will help you narrow your focus and create content that resonates with your ideal client. For instance, if you are an illustrator specialised in floral patterns and botanical illustrations, you may want to target flower shops, nature-based businesses, interior designers, print shops or art enthusiasts who appreciate a particular style. 2. Conduct market research Who is your ideal client? Is she in their twenties, thirties? Where do they live? What is their background? Have you noticed your art seems to interest people living in a particular country or region? To check this, pay attention to your social media statistics. How is your overall content reach and engagement with whom? You need to identify patterns. Also to see what the patterns are, think if you have ever sold to a particular demographic? Do you tend to sell to new mums or fintech women, or are your clients freelancers? You need to be super specific when portraying who your ideal client is. Use social media's search function to search for keywords related to your niche. Look for accounts and hashtags that your ideal clients may use. This will help you identify potential clients, competitors, and influencers in your industry. 3. Competitive analysis Don’t forget to identify your competitors and look at their audiences. Check out the social media profiles of artists who work with similar media/materials as you do and see what kinds of people engage the most. Another trick is to see who’s following galleries whose vision is aligned with yours.

If you’ve identified who your competition is accurately, I guarantee you that your competitor’s clients can be yours as well.

4. Analyse your current followers

Look at the profiles of people who follow you and engage with your content. Are they in your target audience? Do they match the demographics and interests of your ideal client? If not, consider adjusting your content or hashtags to attract your target audience.

5. Interact with your ideal client Once you’ve done your research, I want you to look for people who fall into your potential clients’ demographic and interact with them. Always in a genuine way. You’ll find them by spending time on Instagram: if you already have some clients, you can check who they’re following as friends of friends tend to have similar interests and therefore might be potential customers as well.

6. Create content that appeals to your ideal client

Tailor your social media content to appeal to your target audience. Use captions and hashtags that relate to their interests and needs. Share behind-the-scenes insights into your creative process and highlight the unique features of your art.

7. Test your findings

To test out if you have correctly identified who your ideal customers might be, try this little experiment: next time you post something on social media, engage with your ideal clients 15 min before and after posting to see how they react.

Analyse whether they’ve liked your post, commented on it, enquired about the piece or bluntly unfollowed you lol. Then you’ll be able to know if someone is genuinely interested or not in what you do. It’s not a matter of stalking people, but of trial and error and of doing thorough research.

By following these strategies, you can identify and connect with your ideal client on social media, leading to increased exposure, engagement, and potential sales. Remember to stay consistent, authentic, and always look for opportunities to promote your work and expand your network.



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