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  • Writer's pictureBelinda Martín

6 tips to sell art from your website

Compared to selling through third-party websites or physical retailers, selling from your own website gives you much more control of your sales, which means you will be earning more and gain confidence in your selling skills. If you’re an artist who loves the art of selling and marketing yourself, then today’s blog post is for you. So, how do you make it easier for potential clients to buy? 1. Add an email subscription form Getting your clients email is key. You can add a pop-up subscription form or include a lead magnet in your form so that in order for people to receive they need to write their email address. There are many more tactics for this, the important thing here is that when someone comes to your website and you want to sell, getting your potential client’s email should be your first objective as you’ll then send them regular newsletters offering them your available works.

2. Put an available works section In order to make the selling process as smooth as possible, let your clients know in an easy manner what works are up for sale. It’s great to have a section with your “Projects” presented as amazing installation shots of your pieces in a gallery with a long statement per piece but you really want to also have a dedicated section of “Available pieces” with your works shot individually as in an auction catalogue, stating the name of the piece, year of creation, dimensions and materials. 3. Add your art pricing or an enquiry button Another great tactic you should follow to improve your customers' selling experience is to eliminate the pricing barrier. When you display the price of your artworks on your website, you’re eliminating the need for clients to ask you for the price, which can increase your chances of selling as the sale will become more immediate.

However, depending on the type of art business model you follow as an artist, there are some cons about listing your prices (you can read these here). If that’s your case, you can add an enquiry button which can lead to another page where you actually display the price or to a form where the client can ask you what the price is. 4. Don’t give customers too many choices For instance, if you sell prints and give your clients the option of buying a print in too many sizes, framings, etc. people are going to have decision fatigue and might not even buy anything. So, always try to make the decision-making process of your clients simple by giving them no more than 2-3 choices.

5. Include a payment landing page

If you’re displaying your prices, you should include in the landing page several payment options such as Apple pay, credit card, Paypal, etc so that the client can buy straight ahead. This is again a great tactic that will facilitate the sale.

Displaying your shipping and return policy somewhere in your website will clear up all your customer’s potential enquiries right away which, again, will speed up the buying process of your future customers.

Hope you liked it and if you want to know personalised strategies to optimise your website for sales, you can book a consultation call with me here. Thanks!



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