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  • Writer's pictureBelinda Martín

5 tips to increase your art sales

Are you already selling your art but want to boost your sales strategy? Whether you’re a fine artist, graphic designer or illustrator, you can implement the following 5 tips right now to increase your sales. 1. Build customer loyalty

The art market is fiercely competitive and a great way to stand out is by treating your clients above expectations from the beginning of your professional relationship. Do so by offering a reduction on their birthday or next purchase, sending them instructions on how to install or care for a piece. 2. Send regular email newsletters

Having a newsletter in place is a powerful way to increase your digital art marketing efforts because it allows you to communicate directly with your potential clients and collectors in a personalised manner, which results in an increase in sales. 3. State that your work has been sold

When you sell something, make sure that people know about it. For instance, if you’ve posted sth edit the caption and put SOLD and do it as well on your website because psychologically, this creates social proof meaning potential clients will feel more confident in buying from you precisely because someone has done it before.

4. Use calls to action in every post

Everytime you post something, end your content with a strong call to action such as for instance: “If you’d like to enquire about the piece, DM me”. Without a clear call to action, your potential customers may not know the next steps to take to buy your artwork. That's why it is important to clearly state to people in each post what to do next.

5. Show your personality online!

Being genuine and authentic naturally attracts people. Most clients buy a particular piece not only because they love it but because they like the artist too! So start connecting with your audience on social media by creating relatable content: for instance, explain what the work means to you, what inspired you to do it, how the process was, etc. and you can do this while you’re creating the work.

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