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  • Writer's pictureBelinda Martín

10 Reasons Why Your Artwork is Not Selling

Selling your art can be tough, and there are a lot of things that might be getting in your way. In this article, we're going to talk about 10 reasons why your artwork might not be selling.

We'll look at stuff like getting your art out there, making sure your style is clear, setting the right prices, and showing off your work in the best way possible.

By figuring out what's holding you back and fixing those issues, you'll have a better shot at selling your art and having a successful career.

#1 - You don’t know how to market yourself

As I said in my previous post, have a look if you haven’t yet!In today's tough art world, just making great art isn't enough. You also need to show your work to the right people—people who like your art and want to support you as you create. That's where marketing comes in, and it's something all artists should learn to do well.

When we talk about marketing for artists, we don't mean giving up your creative side or selling out. Instead, it's about finding people who really connect with your art and sharing your story with them. You can do this through social media, your website, or even at events and art shows.

But if you master this skill, then you’ll have a weak online presence and no matter what you do, people won’t know what you do and therefore you won’t make sales.

#2 - Lack of exposure

Similarly, if your website is poorly designed or difficult to navigate, or you lack an active presence on social media platforms, you may be missing out on potential sales. That means your artwork isn't getting the visibility it deserves, so potential buyers may not be aware of your work. Increasing your online and offline presence through social media, art fairs, and exhibitions is something you prioritise and dedicate time everyday asap so you can help boost your exposure.

#3 - Lack of a compelling story

Collectors often connect with the story behind an artwork as much as the piece itself. Focus on the why, not the details, you need to appeal to the client’s emotions. Next time you post something try to focus on how would you potential clients feel if they had your piece at their home. When we want to sell something, it means that people need to buy from you, it means you need to put yourself out have to get people to actually buy from you because they're buying your art for a reason, so you need to give them the personality.

If you're not effectively communicating your artistic journey, inspiration, or the message behind your work, then you will certainly lose on sales.

I’m currently running Instagram Artist Accelerator™, an online course I’ve made where the focus is on identifying your ideal audience and making content that converts so your followers can become your next collectors. Have a look here if interested!

#4 - You don’t believe you can make money out of your art

First thing you need to focus on is your mindset.

To start selling you first need to believe that you can sell and that making money out of your art is possible. Every single day you need to keep your mindset into a spot where you think that this goal is possible, because if your mindset is not there, that’s your foundation, then you’re not going to do anything.

You’re not going to sell.

You might be motivated one day but believe me that if you don’t have a strong mindset always, what are you going to do the days you feel like becoming a couch potato?

To avoid this you need to prepare everything in advance so you don’t depend on your moods or external circumstances to achieve your goals and the second thing is to set out BIG targets to keep you motivated throughout the year.

#5 - You’re waiting for galleries to come to you and save you

You’re forever waiting around to be noticed and picked up by a gallery. As I always say, do never depend on anyone to get started! I firmly believe you don’t need a gallery owner to save you and be successful.

As an artist, it's crucial to adapt and learn how to sell your art online, reducing dependency on galleries and leveraging the power of the internet. That’s why learning how to sell your art online is the right choice to build a sustainable career rather than always depending on intermediaries to keep going.

And even if you decide you want to work with a gallery in the near future, you have to understand that you would still need to learn how to sell because having a gallery is not a guarantee that they’ll be able to sell your work. They represent a roster of artists and therefore you won't be their first priority.

#6 - Your work is inconsistent

By this I mean you have no clear identity as an artist or to put it in terms of a business context, no clear “brand”. Collector buys when they recognise your work easily, when you create aha moments for them, that’s when they’re much more inclined to buy from you. By this I don’t mean you should do the same pieces and style forever. No. But your work needs to have common denominators throughout your career, this can be in terms of style yes, but also in terms of materials or topics.

A cohesive and recognisable personal brand is essential for attracting collectors and building a strong reputation. If your branding is inconsistent or unclear, it may be difficult for potential buyers to understand your artistic vision and connect with your work.

#7 - Your overpricing or underpricing your work

Incorrectly pricing your artwork can deter potential buyers. If your prices are too high, your work may be perceived as overpriced; if they're too low, it may be seen as lacking value.

Researching comparable artists and pricing your work accordingly can help strike the right balance. If you have never sold anything yet, then I recommend you to check my YouTube video on art pricing for beginners here.

#8 - You don’t create work on a regular basis

If you don't produce new pieces often or engage with the art community consistently, potential buyers may be less likely to invest in your work, as they might perceive you as less committed to your art career.

By creating art consistently and maintaining a presence in the art world, you can keep the interest of collectors and increase your chances of selling your work.

#9 - People don’t know where and how to buy from you

You need to guide people through your selling process. If you just throw content on social media without a clear call to action then people won’t even know what pieces are for sale, let alone how to complete the purchase.

That’s why you need to implement in every piece of content you put out there calls to action so they can now they need to go to your website or sales page to complete a purchase. You should also provide links and have a website that is not convoluted so that you can allow clients to have a smooth selling experience.

#10 - You don’t know who your ideal client is

Focusing on a specific target audience and tailoring your marketing efforts to appeal to their interests and preferences can increase your chances of making sales. If you're trying to appeal to everyone, you may struggle to resonate with potential buyers.

You need to be super clear and specific on who your ideal client is, how you help them, how to talk to them in your content, and how to make sure that the content you create everyday is only for that specific person, not for everybody else. Now knowing how to do this holds you back so much and you don’t even realise that that’s the problem because if your content is not bringing you sales and money, I’m afraid that then your content is not good enough. If this is something you resonate with, if you want to break the cycle and start reaching your ideal audience and turn them into paying customers through your content, you’ll want to join Instagram Artist Accelerator™ a brand new course I’ve created so you can: 👉Understand what you want to communicate with your work and how to differentiate from your competition 👉Create great content and with a proven strategy so you don’t feel overwhelmed about what and when to post 👉Overcome your fear of showing up and start actively promoting yourself and selling your art on Instagram 👉Optimise your profile so you can attract the right customers and curators who are genuinely interested in what you do 👉Know how to identify your ideal clients

Tap HERE to get more details and to claim your early bird discount!



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