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The Art Career Fast-Tracker™

What if you could propel your art career with a proven framework to fast track your success?

ACFT is a 1-month live consulting program for fine artists ready to start their art business and build the foundations of a thriving career in the arts.


If mere passion were the key, you'd already be a millionaire artist.

Your envisioned life is to be creating strong and meaningful work at your studio, the very catalyst that prompted you to initiate your art business.

Yet, the growth hasn’t been as meteoric as anticipated…

Recognising this as your destined path is just the beginning; a robust framework and strategy are now crucial to truly elevate your art career and yield tangible results.

Until now, the progress has been incremental at best. This calling has resonated for some time, and you stand poised to heed it.

Becoming a successful artist and producing genuine art while generating a sustainable income is your ultimate endeavour.

You’ve done everything you were supposed to...

...watching countless videos, tuning into numerous free trainings, immersing yourself in art podcasts, and collecting all the free resources from top art professionals in an attempt to stitch together an overarching strategy.

It seems as though everyone else is celebrating their six-figure milestones and landing major exhibition opportunities, while you're struggling to make ends meet, feeling increasingly adrift.

You envisioned yourself thriving in a big studio with consistent sales by this point. Yet, here you are, investing more hours, constantly consumed by all the admin tasks and promoting behind your business, and not seeing the returns you hoped for.

You're at a point where you know things must change. You're eager to truly embody the role of a business owner, yet something isn't aligning.


Doubts and the dreaded imposter syndrome start to shadow your confidence.

Questions arise: perhaps this world isn't for you, or perhaps there's a crucial element you're overlooking.

However, it's essential to realise that such feelings of uncertainty mark the journey of almost every artist.

You are not isolated in this experience; it's a shared chapter in many success stories.

The reason you haven't yet reached where you aspire isn't some cosmic conspiracy against you…

The real barrier is a blend of your own self-belief and the clarity on the path forward.

It's about cultivating a firm belief so you don’t give up and acquiring the roadmap to your destination.



👉 You feel again the spark and passion that initially ignited your art business, bringing extra motivation.

👉 You're not just an artist but a thriving business owner, generating sustainable profit from your craft.

👉 A close-knit community of dedicated professional artists surrounds you, uplifting and supporting your journey.

👉 Financial stability isn't a dream; it's your reality. You're buoyed by the confidence that your art continues to captivate and sell, year after year.

👉With well-defined strategies and onboarding tools, you seamlessly bring onboard dependable team members, conveying your vision and needs clearly.

👉 Administrative tasks no longer consume your hours. Instead, you immerse yourself in what you truly love: creating. After all, your primary genius lies in artistry, not paperwork.

👉The sanctuary of your studio beckons more often. Here, in solitude, you create masterpieces that reflect your evolving art development.

👉 Your bond with your collectors is palpable. A loyal and engaged following, they not only admire your creations but eagerly anticipate acquiring them.

👉 No longer adrift in uncertainty, you're guided by clear goals and a robust strategy, ensuring your art remains sought-after for years to come.

That’s why I designed my proven art career
framework around th
ree core principles:
purpose, profitability, and sustainability.


Through this approach, I've assisted over 100 clients in getting their art businesses started and enhancing them, from matching their regular incomes to earning multiple six-figure revenues within a year.

This experience led me to develop the Art Career Fast-Tracker™, a flagship consulting program tailored for artists eager to launch their ventures and establish a solid six-figure base.



The Art Career Fast-Tracker

A 1-month fast-paced consulting program for fine artists ready to kickstart their art career and master the business of being an artist

In this program, you’re going to:


1. Discover the roadmap to building your art business from scratch and learn how to set up your systems using my Build your Art Business Framework

2. Unlock your Unique Artist Brand and Ideal Clients

3. Define your art offer and pricing strategy

4. Master you sales strategies for sustainable growth + Project Review Session (get my input to optimise your pricing strategy, upcoming art projects, portfolio, funding/residency applications or general copy and content materials)

Here's what's included:

4 Weekly 90-min Group Consulting Calls

In these weekly group calls, you’ll be taught the different modules that will take you from start-up to successful artist and will have the opportunity to ask all your questions to Belinda. 

The Art Career Fast-Tracker™ program is designed to take you step-by-step through the business building process of becoming a professional artist and fast-track your way to getting shows and closing sales with ease.

Project Review Session

In the last 45 minutes of the last session, you’ll get my eyes on your business. I’ll review one aspect of your business (e.g. pricing, portfolio, website, a funding application, etc.) and will give you my personalised feedback during the call (+ my notes on writing afterwards).

Artist Starter Kit Templates

Upon enrolling, you’ll receive all the artist templates you’ll need in order to start your career and get your art business rolling as soon as possible, from an Artist CV, Pricing List, and Certificate of Authenticity to Inventory, Consignment Agreement and Available Works PDF.  All will be delivered as easy to edit online templates (e.g. Google docs).

Community Slack Channel

With access to our Slack space, you'll have access to an entire community of cheerleaders and support.


Tap into daily accountability Monday through Friday for ongoing support as you build your business. Got a question outside of our consulting calls? Get a direct line to Belinda, her team and the rest of the ACFT community.

That’s right, you get all of that.

By the end of the ACFT program, you will be unstoppable with your purposeful, profitable and sustainable art business.

You know you’re ready to break with the “starving artist” mindset once and for all.

You’re destined for much more that just getting by…It’s now up to you to kickstart your art business and materialise the career you always dreamt about.  

Sign up now and start building your dream art career!

One-Time Payment

Get in at the pay-in-full option. After purchase, you will immediately receive an invoice.

£797 NOW £497

(that's a £300 discount!)

Pay in instalments

Get in at this monthly payment plan for 3 or 6 months. With each payment, you will immediately receive an invoice.

£399 NOW £199 / 3 payments

£308 NOW £108 / 6 payments


✅ You’re a fine artist just starting out

✅ You’re serious about building your art business and are ready to fully commit


✅ You're prepared to confront your limiting beliefs and implement the strategies from the program.


✅ You want to learn the fundamentals of building a successful art business so that you can monetise your practice and get industry recognition


❌ You’re not willing to do the work and you’re looking for a quick fix


❌ You want someone to do all the business/admin work for you

❌ You don’t want to build an art business that entirely sustains you financially


❌ You don’t want to leverage your online presence for growth

By enrolling in the Art Career Fast-Tracker™, you'll build an art business that reliably supports you financially.

Meet your teacher

Belinda headshot.JPG

I’m Belinda and my passion is making artists thrive!

Before I became a full-time artist consultant, I had worked for 8+ years in the arts industry as a curator, gallery director, lecturer, visual arts producer and gallery assistant previously! I’m now obsessed with teaching artists how to start and scale their own business, helping them to build a career that can support them financially by leveraging their online presence.

Hope you join my course and enjoy it!


When do we start?

This is a rolling enrollment program which means you can start in the next start date, which is November 2023, or select a future date that works for you.

The payment plan will start straight away regardless of the start date to secure your spot.

When you start, you'll be immediately onboarded, granted access to the materials, and welcomed into our community Slack channel to dive straight into the support group.

Is The Art Career Fast-Tracker™ right for me if I've never sold any artwork before?


Yes! The Art Career Fast-Tracker™is your ideal partner if you’re selling art for the very first time and want to learn how the art world operates to do all the right things for your career from the start. With a module on your art offer and price setting and an entire module on sales, you’ll have strong foundations to start selling.

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the live nature of the program, I’m unable to issue refunds.

When are the live calls?


The live calls can vary, but there is at least one live call per week, usually on Mondays.

We update the calendar on a quarterly basis and will give 14-days notice where possible for any changes, excluding unforeseen circumstances such as sickness or urgent matters.

All calls will be within the timezone of the coach facilitating the call so these may vary, but calls are recorded and uploaded in the shared portal within 7-days.

This is the first time I’m investing in my art business. How do I know it’ll be worth it?

I get it. Investing in your art business for the first time can be scary. But this isn’t the same as dropping hundreds of pounds on a new pair of headphones. It’s more like investing in your career, the same way you might invest in postgraduate education or further training.

Can I pay in instalments?

Yes! I’ve got a 3- and 6-monthly payment plan in place so you can spread your payments with ease.

I’m pretty sure I’d like to join, but I still have some questions…

You can send an email directly to and we will answer your question within 24-48 working hours.

What languages will The Art Career Fast-Tracker™ be available in?

For the next start date, November 2023, it will be in English. However, let me know if you’re interested in joining a future program in Spanish!

Intrigue about what’s possible?
Here’s what our clients are saying:

Leo K. – Multimedia artist "When I decided to transition to a full-time artist, the business side of things seemed daunting. Belinda's courses and consulting sessions have been a game-changer for me. I've gone from selling a few pieces here and there to consistent monthly sales. Thank you Belinda!"

Sasha N. – Painter "Being an artist can sometimes feel isolating, especially when trying to navigate the business world. Belinda’s weekly consulting sessions were an anchor for me during my most uncertain moments. They helped transform my approach, making my art more accessible to my audience, and the sales naturally followed. Every artist should invest in her sessions!"

Rafael T. – Multimedia artist "I've always been confident in my art but struggled with the 'selling' part. Thanks to Belinda, I've not only improved my approach to presenting and marketing my art, but I've also discovered new avenues for sales that I hadn't even considered. "

Carlos G. – Ceramic artist "I was close to giving up on my dream of being an artist, feeling overwhelmed with the business aspects. Then, I stumbled upon Belinda’s program. Suddenly, things started clicking into place. With the structured guidance from her consultations, I've achieved milestones I once thought were years away."

Elise D. – Digital illustrator "One word: Transformational. [Your Name]'s insights and strategies have given me the tools to truly make my passion a profitable venture. The 1-1 sessions allowed me to address my specific challenges, while her Instagram course laid out a clear path to success. And the upcoming group program? I can't wait to join!"

Mara J. – Multimedia artist "Before consulting with Belinda, I felt like I was creating in the dark. Now, not only has my artistic vision clarified, but I've also learned invaluable strategies to market and monetise my work. Her Instagram course provided an insightful roadmap, but the 1-1 sessions? Pure gold. It's like having an artist mentor and business coach rolled into one!"

Are you ready to say yes to yourself & go all in on your art career?


Don't worry, you don't have to have it all figured out before you start. All you have to do is make the decision and be willing to fully believe in yourself. We'll do the rest together.

One-Time Payment

£797 NOW £497

(that's a £300 discount!)

3 Monthly instalements

£399 NOW £199

/ month, 3 payments

6 Monthly instalements

£308 NOW £108

/ month, 6 payments

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