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Belinda Martin is an artist consultant, curator, entrepreneur and visual arts producer, who teaches artists how to start and scale their own business, helping them to become full-time artists.


While getting her PhD in Classics, she started her first art business, Lava Art Project, a company dedicated to representing and producing projects for emerging artists, and through which she has helped countless of artists reach their potential. From 2020 she has been directing the arts programme of Habitación Número 34, a gallery focussed on site-specific installations by young emerging artists. She now combines her experience as a business owner, curator, gallery director and visual arts producer to provide artists with consultation services to build their careers and navigate the art world as professionals.  


A graduate from King’s College London, Belinda holds a PhD in Classics, an MA in Classical Art & Archaeology and a BA in Art History. Before starting her own businesses, she worked at several contemporary commercial art galleries, museums and artist agencies. A committed cultural advocate and collector, Belinda continues running Lava Art Project and Habitación Número 34 from London, where she lives, and serves as a member of AWITA.

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