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Ready to build a successful art business and unlock your full potential ?

You've always known becoming a great artist and producing genuine art while generating a sustainable income can be reality.


It’s now time to turn your passion into profit so you can make this happen!

Want my help becoming a full-time professional artist or scaling your projects and sales?

Get started with 1 on 1 artist consultations.

A series of 3-month weekly calls focus on strategy and the business tools necessary to build or scale your business.

Whether you’re starting your career or are an already successful mid-career artist, our strategy calls provide structure and directional focus to your practice.

They help you build the bedrock of an arts business so you can manage it and scale it, without having the support of a gallery, agency or arts manager. 


Depending on your needs and career, we will focus on:

-The tools and tips to help you become a full-time artist. That is, how to be your own marketeer, business manager and agent.

-Learning what they didn’t teach you at art school and yes, we’re talking learning finance, business and negotiation skills.

-Strategising and implementing the desire strategy we come up with. 

-Overcoming fear of success and how to be comfortable when talking about money and pricing your art.

-How to make money as an artist and, more importantly, how to diversify your income streams.

-Scaling your sales and projects and opening new niches you might have overlooked. 

Learn what they didn't teach you at art school now

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